About Strideout

Strideout was launched in May 2011 by Gaye Fletcher and Andrea Barber with the help and support of Run England and Wisewood Sports Centre we have created a local friendly running group just for women. Don't feel worried about arriving to an ultra competitive club we offer a welcoming & supportive environment where you will be met by girlie chat and a big hello! We meet every Monday at 6pm (in the room next to the Sports Hall) there is parking and shower facilities and after 10 weeks you will get your very own Strideout tee.shirt! We offer tailor made training plans, interval training, both on and off-road routes (all risk assessed) and there are three ability groups from walk, jog to run so your needs and expectations are catered for. We now have over 50 members and we recently welcomed another coach MC (Marieclarie) so you can be confident that you wil always be guided, supported and NEVER left behind! We are all qualified coaches with UKA and are first aiders. Come and give us a try in 2012................

Sunday 29 January 2012

Mondays route 30/1/2012

Please find below the routes for Monday (30/1/2012) nights session. As you were all made to do speed/stride sessions last week, you will all be glad to hear that it's a general run you will be doing this week (though we can't promise no hills!)

Andreas group http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/66607620/?open_ive_done=1&new_route=1 3.07miles

Laura/MC's group/s http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/66608850/?open_ive_done=1&new_route=1 4.56 miles

Gayes group http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/66610220/?open_ive_done=1&new_route=1 4.90 miles

We will be starting warm up at 6pm prompt, so please try and turn up early and decide which group you would like to run with...remember you have an hour to work as hard as you can, so choose your group wisely you have all improved so much and are doing so well so have confidence in yourself.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Monday run - 23/1/12

Well done my group - a fantastic run last night up and down the hills of Middlewood.  A really big well done to our first timers (can't be great turning up and hill running on your first session!!)

We did at least 3.58 miles (unfortunately I kept my clock running half way to netball so not accurate).

See you all next week - or Friday morning at Body Conditioning!!

Monday 23 January 2012

If you can't make a Monday

Hi Strideout Members if you are ever struggling to get to our Monday sessions the odd time, then a friend of mine coaches with Smiley Paces, they offer options for beginners through to advanced and are based South Sheffield, check out their website which gives details of the times, places they meet http://www.smileypaces.co.uk/

Sport Relief 25th March 2012 - Hillsborough Park!

You can opt to complete 1, 3 or 6 miles and all money raised will go to Sports Relief! Its the day before the Rother Valley 10k so decide which race you'd prefer to try and get your entry forms in. I am going to do one of the distances with Izzy so welcome anyone to join us. http://my.sportrelief.com/SR12/search/event/result/id/1067

Friday 20 January 2012

New 10k in Sheffield 25th March 2011


Get yourself entered into the Sheffield Varsity 10k run. Non-university participants are welcome and £3 from every entry goes to St Lukes Hospice

Thursday 19 January 2012

Training Plans - 10K

The majority of you could complete a 10k distance race as you may already be covering the mileage required. However with a little more dedication and planning you would be able to quite comfortably compelte the race at a good pace just by improving your consistency and maintaining a more sustained run, this can be done by following the training plan below()the plan is also available as a word document, just let me know if you need this)

For information on local 10k races please see the links below:
Dronfield 10K 11 March http://www.7thdronfield10k.org.uk/
Rothervalley 10K 24 March http://www.sheffieldathletics.co.uk/index.php/fixtures-a-events-mainmenu-75/309-rother-valley-10k-2012
Sheffield Varsity 10k run 25 March http://www.fairplaysport.co.uk/varsity-10k-race/
Lord Mayors 10k 22 April http://www.sadg.co.uk/Events/Entry%20Forms/2012%2010K%20ENTRY%20FORM.pdf
Holymoorside 10K Chesterfield 6 May http://www.holymoorside10k.co.uk/
Brooks Run Doncaster 13th May http://www.metrestomiles.co.uk/acatalog/Run_Doncaster_10k.html

I know of lots more races depending on the month, location, terrain you would like to complete your race in so please just ask me and I can advise you accordingly.
Good Luck! Gaye

Training Plans Half Marathon

Some of you have expressed some interest in completing a half marathon and/or 10k race and you have asked me to put a training plan together for you, so true to my word I have put together a few options for you (see below and attached)

Half Marathon: There are two options that you can choose from; a 10 week or 12 week plan, both options are very similar in your week training but the difference is in your long weekend training run, one will train you up to 12 miles and the other 10 miles. The other difference is that one of the options incorporates two race pace sessions mid training to improve stamina and strengthen your pace. (Both the plans below are available as a word or pdf document - Just let me know and I will email it to you) Depending on the plan you opt for your training will need to start week commencing 5th or 19th March in time for you  to be ready for the Sheffield Half Marathon on the 27th May. To support you in your training I will be holding weekly weekend training sessions for your long run sessions these will be lead routes from either Wisewood or Forge Valley School starting in March. 
Good Luck Gaye

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Body Conditioning Class

Why not go along to Andreas Body Conditioning Class on a Friday morning at Hillsborough, see Andrea for details.

Mondays Run

4.14 miles on monday my group well done, lets try a little further and faster on Monday! Up for it?

Monday 16 January 2012

Welcome New Members - 16th Jan 2012

Strideout would like to welcome another 4 new members tonight Polly, Deborah, Faye and Laura - you all worked really hard tonight and we all really enjoyed having you running with us, we hope to see you next week.

Frosty jogging!!

Whilst some of us were out enjoying our runs over the frosty weekend, please be careful if you are out for a run this week, BBC Weather are predicting ice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2638077 (gosh I feel like Michael Fish!)

Saturday 14 January 2012

Breeze Bike Rides (Sheffield Network) A great way for ladies to get into recreational cycling. Completely free rides lead by British Cycling Leaders Gaye, Nicola and Becky. Next ride Sat 4th Ferbuary at Fairholmes for more details register on http://www.goskyride.com/Breeze

Children Welcome http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.345904162105055.93046.100000564225969&type=3&l=f667a68e7f


Laura & andrea are hard at it!

Laura & Andrea were hard at it over xmas and the weekend with their boozy weekend in Derbyshire...good to see they still managed a run! Hope you didn't consume too much vino!!!!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Raising Money for your Running Efforts - Sheffield Hospitals Charity

Some of you are considering entering the Sheffield Half Marathon this year and so will be raising money for much needed charities. Whilst your preferred charity is very much a personal choice I thought I would let you all know (or remind you at least) of a local charity that you may be interested in supporting; Sheffield Hospitals Charity http://www.sheffieldhospitalscharity.org.uk/ As a valued member of Strideout should you wish to raise money for the SHC and raise a min of £50 you will receive a FREE running best and mug.
Please let them on 0114 271 1351 or email  charity@shct.nhs.uk

Welcome to our New Members

We would like to welcome new Strideout members Nykki, Rosie, Janine and Natalie - we hope you enjoyed your first running session on Monday heres to many many more. Let us know if you have any questions regarding training - we are here to help.

Also check out the other facilities at Wisewood Sports Centre, there is so much on offer! http://www.wisewoodsportscentre.co.uk/home

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Cycling C2C - May Day Bank Holiday

To celebrate Gayes 40th she and three friends are cycling the Coast to Coast Cycle way from Whitehaven Cumbria to Sunderland  (140+ miles) and it's all for charity so please show your support as all money raised will be donated to The Prostate Cancer Charity http://www.justgiving.com/GayescyclingC2C

Breeze Bike Rides for Women - British Cycling

If any of you are interested in getting on your bikes then see Gaye. Monthly bikes rides in and around Sheffield for beginner level. All are on traffic free routes and are risk assessed. Build confidence and feel great. http://www.goskyride.com/Search/Details?eventid=3321 Next ride on Sat 14th Jan at Rother Valley 10:00am start, please register via the above link (Children welcome)

Rother Valley 10k - Sat 24th March 2012

10k and 3k Fun Run Entries now open http://www.sheffieldathletics.co.uk/index.php/fixtures-a-events-mainmenu-75/309-rother-valley-10k-2012

Sheffield Half Marathon

Some of you have shown an interest of entering this years Sheffield Half Marathon, online entries now open http://sheffieldmarathon.com/
I will be putting individual training plans together on request, contact Gaye strideout@btinternet.com 07908 737194

You can do it!

Well done everyone!

Well done to everyone that managed to make Strideout yesterday (9/1/2012) It was a great turnout after the Christmas break and you all worked extremely hard.

My group (Gayes) you did 4.44 miles in 1 hour - 356 cals burned! Well done route attached http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/63800716 Maybe 5 miles next week - are you with me?